WTDH: Think, Dream, Hope

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Be you!

A Tiny Speck

“We are never the best on anything, that doesn’t mean we should refrain from doing them.”


There are many things we like to do, and refrain ourselves just because we’re pretty sure we’d mess it up… For instance, I know I suck at public speaking, I mess up most of the times I do that. But I never refrain from it. When people asks me to talk something publicly, I stopped saying a NO. Yep I used to, because I was freaking terrified of messing up in-front of the people.

But I was accidentally (or a choice maybe) placed in situations where I was supposed to speak up something on to public, I couldn’t say a no on the camps. Thanks to the NSS family, where I learned to boldly face the weakness we have. We are all human, and mistakes are human. No one is perfect. Some people do realize…

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Still alive…

A Tiny Speck


Several times I have wondered what life’s about. What luck’s about. What fate is.

They remain questions still unanswered, and some say life is the journey in search of their answers.

On one defining day, we were taken out, from the womb of our mothers, to the outside world, sun’s rays caressing our skins thereafter. through the rains, through the cold, through the summer’s we’ve been through, a journey with destination already known, still in search of different things- love, security, acceptance, impressions and so on.

But what about it’s meaning? Another question that everyone yearns an answer for. Many of us do believe we’ve a purpose in life. ( Yet I have wondered what was wrong if universe was just a blank, simply existing, zero energy blackness…) We google it, we asks our friends and relatives for it, we read books on them. We perceive people who are…

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The choices

English: Pontypool Park Choices

English: Pontypool Park Choices (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Life as far as I know , is about the choices we’ve made in each and every points in our lives. Just like Robert Frost said , its just like roads diverging on and on , and each way leading onto way. The hard thing- it’s one way . once we make a choice, we can’t go back, but only look at the rear view mirror. Once, I feared while making choices- would they get me into paths so messed up? I worried.

But that was surely the worst thing to do.

“Life’s beauty is its unpredictability.”

The things which lie in front , are just unknown. What if a wrong choice was the road to another choice much better than the previous one? Never loose your faith and hope- because when we believe in something , nothing can stop from making it happen. And I believe we don’t already have destinies , but we make them. So maybe next time, let the choices be bold, straight from our heart and come what may .

”I don’t believe in taking right Decisions , I take Decisions and make them Right”- Adolf Hitler


As a family , forever . . .

That was a week like I’ve had never spent before . I do have enjoyed before . I do have experienced ecstasy , I do have spent loving times with lovable ones . . .

But the past week , it all came to me together , at our NSS camp . . .

I never knew people can be this close . . . I seriously feel someone is there to hold my hands when I fall , and yeah I’d gladly give mine to anyone in my family , if they do fall. . .

I’ve made mistakes throughout , but I’ve learned . . .

I’ve met people whose eyes fills with tears of happiness , when I place a piece of food in their mouth . And look at us , we spend lavishly on useless things , yet we end up unhappy. . .

And yeah , there’s a feeling of being safe when you have people with whom you can be yourself – and I’ve been lucky to have a bunch of family – my brothers and sisters , just like that .

The sharing we did with smallest pieces of whatever we had . . .

I won’t need to thank you , because we are a family , and I know you feel exactly like I do . Just promise me that we won’t split . promise me we won’t let any of our family members down . just Promise me that we’ll cherish the spirit of family throughout . . .

I love you. and I mean it .

And I believe the biggest price we received was the prayers and blessings of them.

Dedicated to “ente priyapetta NSS kudumbangangal ” .

This part of the song summer of 69 (Bryan Adams) tells my mood now –

Oh when I look back now
That summer seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya – I’d always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life

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A Tiny Speck

Let me warn you at the starting itself – I’m writing a question that haunts me , related to the universe . So if you’re not interested in philosophy , maybe you won’t get to like it .

Anyway let’s take a journey back through time . . .

We become younger and younger . . . we’re the small child who walk the corridors with 4 limbs .

back through time . we were inside our mother . . . and before that our life was with your father and mother . . .

again we go back . . . past generations .

we were there , inside them all . . .

If Darvin’s theory of evolution is right , then we go back through primates , back to mammals , and when we go back a lot more years , we were inside the first life…

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On the pursuit of happiness…

We usually do it . Searching for bigger and bigger joys , we miss what we have .

The society and the ads have defined new cultures to be better – the flat stomach , the posh homes ( which’s got more rooms than it’s inhabitants ) , the shining new sedan , The latest android / apple device . . . you can guess the list .

It’s engraved in our blood – The unending desire for more and more . When we walked , we need a cycle , We buy a cycle , we want a bike , we buy a bike , we yearn for a car and so on . . .

And that same trait , leaves us unhappy , unfulfilled and depressed through out our lives .

Buying things never cures it . The voids in our lives cannot be filled by material possessions we buy .

Instead ,

Appreciate what you have now – the health we’ve . The  essential things we’ve . The love that surrounds us . The beauty of nature . The support we receive from our family and friends . And for god , who gave us a chance to live and enjoy this things . . .

There are things that money cannot buy – most of them matters more than the stuff we buy too.

But we don’t really need the material things much – A man’s worth is in his character . Enrich that .

When you’re happy with what you’ve , why ever would you feel down ?


“If you want to feel rich , Count the things you have that money can’t buy – Anonymous “


Keep smiling ! have a good day friends :)

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A Tiny Speck

Welcome to our new world , And I hope you like it here …

When you are kids , so small , you get some time to enjoy . you are all on yourself , completely free from anxieties , worries … it’s just about having fun , but the time flies ,& your golden age is over .

Then , like everybody else , you should go to school , you learn a lot of theory , just like we teach parrots to speak . They know it works , but few knows the “how it works” . you get loads of homeworks and assignments , and you’d get fed up doing them I guess . But you get some wonderful gifts from there – friends . School’s the place where you first taste the beauty of friendship . When we look back , those beautiful moments with them…

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The egos in our lives…

I was talking of simple things . For instance , we’re walking on the road , and we find a girl or boy looking at us. Typically we’d initiate our “no smile mode” , we pass by , they’re gone…

I was wondering why people gets a ‘not good’ emotion when they find others interested in them . We all get it right ? I’ve always  had . For instance, when I find a girl staring at me , I’d turn my head , too .

So what if we changed a bit . What would happen if we gift a smile back ? I’ve never been confident in smiling back, but I guess it’s time to step out of the comfort zone . Maybe we’d get a wonderful friend . Maybe we’d be meeting someone with huge knowledge . Maybe you’d get to know someone , who can make you reach what you’re capable of . Or even , maybe you’d meet a perfect soul mate , who knows…

If we like someone , we don’t need to hide it – isn’t it ? But it’s funny that when we hate someone , we’re not afraid to tell it or even show it , but when we are in love , we’re afraid to tell it .

Maybe you’re a star . maybe you’ve lots of guys hanging around you . But that doesn’t mean they are not so good enough . Everyone is gifted . . . just like you are . So I guess we should try to ease up a little bit , let go of the feeling of we’re the best . Cuz everyone is . . .

So maybe next time when we get out on the streets , let’s loosen up a bit , relax and be ourselves . Maybe a smile is the most wonderful gift you can give to a stranger ( and I believe , to everyone else)…

Have a good day!